Saturday, May 26, 2007

Graduation Congratulation(s).

Yesterday, my little sister graduated from high school. Strange. Strange because a year ago I didn't know I had a little sister, and strange because my job at this point in my life is focused specifically on girls her age. This makes things wonderfully more personal. So here is some advice.


We've grown up very different, so I'm not sure how much of my experiences will apply. You also have Bo and Raven to look out for you while you are venturing out on your own, this alone will make a world of difference. (Bo, you have some serious responsibility here. Even if it's just food, a place to crash or a listening ear, you better represent big brother style.) That being said, here is a handful of things to be aware of your freshman year.

1. You are not alone. Peru State is a small school in a small town, that means every other freshman is in the exact same boat as you. Trapped. You will make friends, a LOT of friends, very quickly. So don't be nervous. (call me)

2. Roommates are temporary. You can take this several ways. One, if you have a bad one, you can switch at semester. Two, if you have a bad one, you can live with it for a time, it makes for good stories later. Three, if you have a good one, take advantage of it, talk all night long, you won't get to do that too often post graduation.

3. Food is good, but so is exercise. This is more for me, you ran track.

4. Hormones and dorm rooms are dangerous. Be wise. Watching a movie alone, could be just that, but it could be more. You're smart, bring a friend.

5. Alcohol. Plenty of time for cocktails when you're "of age". To avoid the awkward, "no thanks", bring a Sonic cup, no one has to know it's diet Coke with lime.

6. ROAD TRIPS. Take them often. Lubbock sounds fun.

7. You don't know it all. As you start to figure this one out, which you will soon, it's okay to admit it. Don't be scared to think you have to have it all figured out. You can be "undeclared" for as long as possible. And in that first philosophy class, take it slow. It has potential to be really good or really bad. (call me)

8. Parents. Call them often. (call me)

9. Money. If you have it, you don't have to spend it. If you don't have it, count yourself lucky. "More money, more problems." Beware of credit cards. They are from the devil. If you need money, (call me).

10. Keep the Sabbath holy. Go to church, get plugged in. You might get some free home cooking out of the deal, and access to coin-less laundry. REST. Schedule a nap every Sunday afternoon. You will thank me.

Well, that's enough for now. I'm sure I will have plenty to add when you actually get there. You have the summer now to spend time with friends and with mom and dad. Soak it up. I hope that you will call me. I'm not just saying that.

Thinking of you,


Friday, May 25, 2007

Summer of Della

Much like George when he found out that being fired from the Yankees came with a severance that could stretch his laziness 3 months, I feel like I have an extraordinary opportunity to live my summer up, my way.

What exactly does "my way" look like? I'm not really sure. I've already spent two and a half weeks at RUF summer conference "de-compressing" on "the dock". A much needed retreat with friends after a year of change. I have a couple of exciting weddings to go to later on, which are always fun reunions. I trip to Michigan with the fam. A short visit to ATL for staff training and an excursion to Colorado with my brother and my oldest nephew, Dunning. Pretty packed little summer.

However, now that I'm back in Lubbock, I'm going to have to find some creative ways to keep busy, so that the loneliness birds don't fly into my heart and lay large stone eggs. (Power of One, anybody?) Here is a short list of things I would like to do with my three weeks:

1. Successfully start training for that half marathon in December.
2. Read consistently everyday.
3. Try at least 5 new locally owned restaurants.
4. Get caught up on all the correspondence that I've neglected.
5. Finish Band of Brothers.
6. Cook out with Leonard once a week.
7. Do a solo camping trip in one of the Canyons.
8. Go through my closet.
9. Finish CASA training.
10. Call my Mom more.

These are just a few that come to mind. Any suggestions?

Hopefully, this summer will not be a waste, that I will have plenty to reflect on, and many interesting things to write about. Looking forward to sharing it with you. After all, you are mostly at work, wishing you could say "this is the Summer of ________".

George: Hey, 'The White Shadow' is on...

Jerry: Boy, your really packing it all in.

George: Jerry, my vacation just started. I need a day or two to de-compress. Besides, I did plenty today.

Jerry: Like what?

George: I bought a new recliner with a fridge build right in to it.